Cancelling your document subscription
To change your plan you will need to go to Plan & Subscriptions tab in your Account Settings. You can choose 'change plan' to downgrade, or select the 3 dot menu and select 'Cancel' to begin the cancellation form. This must be completed at least 1 day before your next billing date to ensure you are not charged for renewal.
You will continue to have access to your features until the end of your paid period.
Cancelling your Monthly or Quarterly subscription
Our Plans are available on a 12-month subscription Term only. You can be registered for a monthly or quarterly payment term but you will need to complete the full 12 months of your subscription period before the subscription will be cancelled.
To cancel your account now and stop charges, you can pay the remaining balance of the account and you will still have access to the end of the subscription period.
Should you wish to explore alternatives to cancelling and keep your premium features, contact or if you wish to speak to a team member, you can schedule the call at a time that is convenient for you from the calendar here.
Cancellation must be done in your account (not via email), to show you approve of the Terms and loss of access
Virtual Office Subscriptions
For Virtual Office cancellations, you will need to email the team to show you are no longer using the Lawpath Virtual Office Address. Please send a screenshot of the updated ASIC extract to: showing the Virtual office address has been unlisted.
Not seeing the option to cancel plan?
You may be on a free plan. This simply gives you access to create one free document on our platform and you will not be charged for this.
Reach out to our Live Chat team if you would like to delete the account.