There are currently 3 options to add signatures to your documents- each designed to make signing your documents as smooth and efficient as possible.
eSignature Options- Summary
Self Sign
Self sign is a quick option if you (the document owner) are the only person needing to sign the document
Offers fields for date, signature & free text
Set Up eSignature
Set up eSignature is the option for multiple signees on the same document. It can be yourself and others, or just others that add signatures to the same document (up to 15 parties can be added per document)
Signature request will be sent to other party directly via email
Offers fields for date, signature & free text
The document owner will need to set up all fields, and signees are limited to adding in only that information
Will need to know the name and email for the signees
eSignature templates are great if you have a standard document that multiple people will sign their own version of the document
The signee individuals to fill in their own details
No contact details required - great to add to websites or share in emails
Fields for date, signature, ABN, ACN, email, company/business name, Address, Phone Number, Checkboxes, Free text
Getting started
For all signature options, the document status must be 'completed' or an uploaded document
1. Selected the completed or uploaded document that you wish to sign and choose eSign
2. Select the eSign option to continue
Option 1: Self sign
Drag and drop the required fields onto the document
Click to resize, move or edit the fields
Select 'Review and Complete' when happy with placement
Double check fields are in the right place, and finalise by selecting 'Complete self sign'.
You can then download the 'Sign Completed' version of the document in PDF form
When using self sign, your pre-saved signature will automatically fill first
You can change the signature style simply by clicking on the signature and choosing from the options. You can redraw, generate or upload.
You can resize the text fields by clicking on the corner of boxes, and choosing the font size.
You can copy these fields to save retyping text if needed
Option 2: Set Up eSignature
When you set up eSignature, there are 3 parts.
Part 1- Set up the document by adding the appropriate fields.
Part 2 - Adding signatures- your own and other signees
Part 3- Marking As Complete
PART 1: Setting up the Document
Add other signee details by choosing 'Add signees'
For each person who needs to sign the document, add the required fields
Drag and drop where the markers should sit, and resize as needed.
Once all fields are in place, choose 'Next' from the top right-hand corner
You will then be asked to add a message to include in the email which will automatically send to all signees, prompting them to sign the document from their own account
Part 2: Adding Your Own Signature
After the document is sent, you can add your own signature by choosing 'Sign now'
If you wish to sign later, you can find the document in your library with status 'awaiting signature'
Click on the fields and add your signature and details as required
You can change style, upload or redraw as needed
Select 'apply to all' or 'update' to see the changes on the document
Once you have added your signature and all fields, choose 'Review and Complete'
In your document library, the document will now have the Status- "Sent For Signature", and you can see the document history 'Example has signed the document'
Document Status - Sent For Signature
Document History- Example has signed document
Other Signees - adding signature
The signee will be able to click the link from their email, or log into their account to see the eSign request.
They will choose 'sign now' to open document and begin signature process
They will then add information into the fields, with options to change style as needed
When they have completed all fields, choose 'Review & complete' to preview their information, and then 'Complete'
This will notify the document owner that the signature has been completed
Part 3- Mark As Complete
When all parties have signed the document, it will have the status 'Pending Completion'.
You can preview the document to check all signatures have been put in the right place before simply choosing 'Mark as Complete'.
This will automatically send PDF copies of the signed document to all involved parties.
Why can't I see the other person's signature when I add my own?
Only the document owner will be able to see all signatures when they go to 'Mark a Complete' in step 3.
When you are signing the document, you will only see the markers with initials for where the other party will be adding their details.
How will I know when the other party has signed the document?
Throughout each stage in the process, the document owner will receive a notification in the account, and the document status will be updated, along with the document history. If not logged into your Lawpath account, email notifications will also be sent.
What do all the different statuses mean on my documents?
We have an article that outlines all the different document statuses available to view here: What the document statuses mean
I have added the wrong email address- how do I cancel?
If you add the wrong email address when adding signees, you will need to cancel the signature request. This will immediately stop the document from being signed or accessed by the wrong party.
I have noticed an error on the document, how do I change it?
If the document is wrong or there is an error, you will need to cancel sharing and then edit the document before going to Set up eSignature again
You will not be able to edit a document that has a signature on it already.
If you make an edit to the original 'completed' document, it will not change the document that had been Sent for Signature or signed.
Just like a 'paper' document, you can not make adjustments to a document that has been signed, or it will invalidate the document.
The signature request was sent but haven't heard back yet. What can be done?
You can send a reminder, which will prompt the sender with another email link for them to sign the document.
The request and reminder emails will send from Lawpath ( and subject will say '[Sender Name] requested you to sign [Document Name]', with your email address and any additional message in the body of the email.
The eSignature request link will expire after 14 days if not actioned. If that happens, you can send a reminder to reset the link.
How many people can sign the same document?
Up to 15 different signees can sign a single document at once. If you need more than 15 people to sign, you can contact Support through LiveChat for more options.
I need to send out the same document for all of my clients. Do I need to set up an eSignature each time?
In this case, using the Template option may be best for you. Lawpath templates allow you to set up for signature just 1 time, and that same document can be used over and over again for different people.
Check out the article on Templates here: Create your own eSign Templates
Do the other signees have to have a Lawpath account to use eSign?
No, you can send the eSignature request to anyone with an email address!
If they already have a Lawpath account, it will ask them to verify the account with a password, and if not will simply be able to begin signing
If they do not have a Lawpath account, the signees will have the option to create a free account once they have finished signing the document
All signees will receive a copy of the signed document via email once the document is marked complete, so will not need an account to access it.
How is the signature legally binding?
Our software abides by the 1999 Electronic Transactions Act, and with end-to-end encryption, all documents are stored in ISO-27001-certified data centres, protected by Australian data privacy laws.
Audit trails provide time stamps for defensible proof of access, review, and signature.
Nearly all documents can be signed electronically. Some exceptions include documents relating to migration and citizenship, wills, powers of attorney real estate documents.
How do I download a document with eSignatures on it?
You will only be able to download the document once all parties have signed the document and the owner has marked it as complete. The document will have the status 'Sign Completed', and will have a green icon to identify it from the original non-signed version.
The signed document is only available in PDF or using eDoc link.
I have a field or feature I want to see- how can I get this made?
We love to hear from Lawpath users about their experience and how we can improve the platform and build helpful new features. Add your suggestions to the form here: