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Lean PlanDo Project
4. Lookahead
4.1 Lookahead Overview
4.1.2 First Lookahead Generation in Lean PlanDo
4.1.2 First Lookahead Generation in Lean PlanDo

Learn what happens during the first generation of Lookahead in Lean PlanDo

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Written by Leanstation Support
Updated over a week ago

After the first Lookahead generation, rescheduling of both activities in progress and activities with no progress will take place.

For the activities with no progress, but planned to have started in the past, the whole activity will be scheduled to start on the Lookahead date, if they have no predecessors that are in progress.

As for the activities in progress, the remaining portion will be set to resume on the lookahead date.

Take a look at two examples below:

Case 1: Activity in progress (Activity 2)

Before Lookahead generation

After Lookahead generation

Activity 2’s remaining portion is rescheduled with its RES (remaining early start) on the Lookahead date.

Case 2: Both Predecessor and successor with progress

If the activity in progress has a predecessor, the remaining portion of that activity will respect the dependency to its predecessor, after Lookahead is generated. See the example below.

Before Lookahead generation

“Successor in progress” has some activity, with FS0 link to “Predecessor in progress”

After Lookahead generation (Lookahead date = 3 Feb)

The RES of “Successor in progress” is still respecting the FS0 link to the end date of the “Predecessor in progress”.


Capturing of Project Delay

After the first Lookahead generation, we will capture the number of days that the project has been advanced or delayed in the Insights, with the delay reason saying “Delay on first lookahead generation.” 

These advanced or delayed number of days are contributed by the critical activities that are rescheduled during the first lookahead generation.

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