Linking Mode

Learn what Linking Mode in LPD + BIM can do to help you transform your project schedule to a 4D model

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Written by Leanstation Support
Updated over a week ago

So you have gotten your project master schedule and your BIM model. How can we make use of these two crucial data to form a powerful 4D model for your project? Linking mode in LPD + BIM is exactly what will help you achieve this.


Once you are in Linking mode, it enables you to link your activities in the Masterplan and tasks in the Lookahead to the elements from the BIM model. As every activity has its own data (start date, duration) and status (ahead, on time, delayed, in-progress, completed), these data will now also be shown directly in the BIM model via the status or performance view.

From the BIM model itself, you can now see the project status and performance with pre-defined color codes to help you visualize what are the status of each elements and how different components are performing in the project, real time.

With every update done to the activities, the data input will flow flawlessly to the BIM model in Lean PlanDo + BIM.

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