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I've found a mistake

What should I do if I have found a mistake in the content?

Sarah Dunn avatar
Written by Sarah Dunn
Updated over 6 months ago

Reporting mistakes

Our content team is working around the clock to find and fix mistakes. But with over 30,000 questions, videos and quizzes it can be really hard to determine where the mistakes are.

You can help us a lot by reporting issues through the 'Found a mistake' button. Here's the process:

1. Click 'Found a Mistake' on the content.

All our content has a 'Found a mistake' link in the bottom left corner. If you see an issue, click this button to report it directly to our content team.

2. Fill in the mistake form

Filling in the mistake form accurately helps our content team find the problem, prioritise the severity, and pass the issue to the right person.

Thanks so much in helping to make our product better and better for all LearnCoach users.

All the best,

The LearnCoach Team

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