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Manage Jobs Dashboard
Updated over 8 months ago

The Manage Jobs dashboard helps you coordinate the entire hiring process, from posting a job to reviewing proposals and sending an offer. What you see under Manage Jobs depends on your Learnexus experience to date:

You haven't posted a job on Learnexus

The Manage Jobs dashboard won't be available until you post your first job.

You posted a job but haven't received proposals yet

  • Click on the job to see details or edit the post

  • Once you receive a proposal, it'll appear under Proposals in the job page.

You posted a job and received at least one proposal

  1. Go to Job > Proposals

  2. Drag and drop proposal cards to manage them

  3. Click on a proposal to see the details.

  4. Once you open a proposal, you can message the expert or send an offer.

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