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Facebook Benchmarks
Tony Perko avatar
Written by Tony Perko
Updated over a week ago

Benchmark your Facebook Ads results against over 1,400 different eCommerce businesses - and check how industry benchmarks change in real-time. Focus on improving your weakest metric, fix your checkout funnel and learn about performance by different campaign types. Learn which landing page has the best performance and leverage insights to scale your marketing performance.

Use the Benchmarks portion of the Facebook Ads feature to see how your most important metrics stack up against other advertisers and best of all, you'll be able to have a view on both prospecting and retargeting benchmarks!

Market trends

Check daily, weekly, or monthly advertising trends - how they’re changing over time - and how your store compares to them. “Market average” value is measured on over 1,400 different eCommerce businesses, and represents the median value for CPM, CTR, or CR. The pale blue color on the graph denotes the upper (top 25%) and lower (bottom 25%) bounds.

Pro tip: Detect when there is a market drop in CPM, or increase in CR, to maximize your return on ad spend.

Summary table Campaign Overview

Clearly distinguish between different campaign types on Facebook - Prospecting or Retargeting - to determine which one is underperforming and can be improved.

Performance by landing page

Detect how different landing pages perform - based on different campaign types - and make sure you’re landing your audience on the most suitable page to maximize your ROAS.

Funnel metrics

Analyze your customer journey on the website: see how they’re dropping off before adding items to the cart, initiating checkout, or purchasing. Compare your numbers with industry averages to make sure you’re maximizing your website performance.

Pro tip: Changing your landing page destination or segmenting the audience by different campaign types can make a significant impact on your store performance.

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