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Why am I only getting 70% from a sale?
Why am I only getting 70% from a sale?
Kelly Sheppard avatar
Written by Kelly Sheppard
Updated over a week ago

Your sale was referred by an affiliate.

When an affiliate sends traffic to Legiit through their affiliate link they get a commission on the sale.

Their commission for driving traffic to Legiit and thus getting you a sale you would not have otherwise gotten is 15%

In that scenario, it breaks down like this (assuming a $100 sale)

  • Seller 70% or $70

  • Affiliate 15% or $15

  • Legiit 15% or $15

You can tell if a sale has been referred by and affiliate by going to Sales > Orders and looking at the affiliate column. If it says "Yes" then that sale was sent by an affiliate and will fit this scenario. See picture below:

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