Loanapp has a number of Serviceability Indicators that you are able to display in your guidebook. These include:
You can choose to make one, or all, of these Indicators visible in the Serviceability reports.
You can also choose whether you enable the validation of each Indicator.
Here is an explanation:
1. To 'Use'
When you choose to Use an Indicator, you enable the visibility of that Indicator in Serviceability. For example, the Lender in the screen shot below has chosen to Use NDI, DSR, NSR and DTI. They are all visible on the Serviceability summary report:
2. To 'Enforce'
When you choose to Enforce an Indicator, you enable the validation of that Indicator in Serviceability. This has a major impact over the application submission. If the Indicator does not pass validation, the application can not be submitted.
The Validation is shown in the below image by the green tick. In this example, the application has passed the validation and is able to be submitted.
If the application fails the validation, you will see this red exclamation mark. The application in this situation is not able to be submitted.
You also have the ability to put Warning Intervals on your servicability indicators. This means the the broker will be advised that the application is slightly out of policy but they can still submit to you for credit assessment.
In Summary, you can choose which Serviceability Indicators to make visible and which to make enforcable.
If you make them Use only, this will have no impact on whether the application can be submitted. It is simply visible in the Serviceability report and can be used for reference.
If you make them Enforcable, you can then decide the pass, the fail, and the warning intervals. This will impact whether the application can be submitted to you.
As your Lending policy changes, you can advise us to make changes to your guidebook serviceability indicators. Loanapp is a powerful tool that can act as a gateway for your application volumes.
Feel free to contact us at any time to discuss your needs further.