Once you have attached your documents to the supporting documents requirements on your checklist, you can then move to Decision Support to verify and validate the documents support the application data.
You can get to Decision Support in two ways: via the dropdown in the Supporting Docs screen:
or by navigating at any time via the menu items - Solutions/Application Processing/Decision Support
Decision Support is split into 3 sections:
Your checklist with documents attached (ie the work you did in Supporting Documents)
Your Primary Data that you are checking the supporting documents verify
The selecting supporting document
The Checklist
The checklist section will correspond with all the work you have done in the Supporting Documents section. It will list the Categories/Documents that were required for the application, with the documents you have attached to satisfy each of these requirements. You can view different elements of the checklist (and any attached documents) by selecting different elements in the dropdown list:
Verification Logic
There is some new functionality in this section - any verification logic set on a document type is displayed below the checklist items, to be ticked off as you verify the document.
Primary Data
The Primary Data element allows you to select the data that you wish to view against the supporting docs (ie the data you are looking to validate)
In this section you can choose to display:
the Loanapp application data (the actual Loanapp screens)
an uploaded PDF
Any of the attached supporting documents (eg you might select the full signed application form as your source of data)
Verification Data
This section displays the selected supporting document for you to be able to compare against the Primary Data. Note here I have selected the Rates Notice in Supporting Docs, Viewing the Security Property detail section in Loanapp; and viewing the actual Rates Notice to check that the security property is verified:
Working through Decision Support
Select the Document Set that you wish to verify. Here I have chosen the ID element for my applicants, clicked on the Drivers Licence, which brings up the uploaded DL in full in the Verification section.
In the Primary Data section, I have navigated to the Identification section in Loanapp to view the data:
You are then able to review the supporting document and check against the application data.
If there are verification requirements for the document type, these will be presented in the first section below the checklist items:
You can check off the verification items as you review the document/data - and write any notes if required.
When you have checked the document, you can then tag the result (Pass/Fail/reject/Exception):
Lastly, you can finalise the workflow by clicking checked, which will apply a double tick to the checklist item, signifying that the item is 1) satisfied and 2) checked:
For a full description of the verification functionality, click here