Biometric ID verification is a process where your applicants will recieve an SMS invite to take a photo of their ID, and then conduct a liveness selfie to prove that they are the same as the image on the ID.
To trigger the invite, go to the FILE Tab:
And then Biometric Verification in the menu. Select Send Request:
You will have a verification screen popup displaying the data that will be used for the service. Its important this is correct - if anything is wrong go back into Loanapp and make any necessary changes. Click Send Request:
(note that the workflow the applicant will experience will be branded for your lender brand).
Your applicant will receive an SMS invite, to click a link to start the process. They will be taken through a consent screen, and then a quick explanation of how the VOI check works. They will then have to select their ID they are using in the VOI check:
You applicant will then click through a few screens that give instructions for taking a photo of their ID, which they then use their phone to do:
If using a Drivers Licence, the applicant will be instructed to take a photo of the back. The system will process the data, and present back to the applicant for any corrections:
Next your applicants will be instructed to do a liveness selfie. This requires them to use their phone to take a selfie, while following instructions on screen (eg smile, look to the left):
All this takes only about 2 minutes, and your applicants have been successfully VOI'd. A report is automatically attached to your Loanapp application for your lenders to receive with your submission.