When a broker submits a Loanapp application to you, this triggers the application to be created in your TAMA channel.
In Loanapp, the supporting docs functionality creates a dynamic supporting documents checklist, which presents to the broker the complete list of supporting docs they need to submit along with their application.
When the broker submits their supporting docs to you, this checklist, and their attached docs, are re-created in the TAMA application:
As a credit assessor, you are able to then use TAMA Supporting Docs and Decision Support to review the broker's work, and update as required. This means the work the broker has done is not lost, and because the checklist comes from the dynamic logic in Loanapp - the checklist should match what you need for that application. You can continue finalising the supporting documents as you review them against the application data.
You also have the great Info Request functionality to send messages directly to the broker at any time to request further docs or to answer questions, and for the brokers to be able to respond directly back to you.
TAMA has two components focused on this part of credit assessment.
Supporting Documents.
This is where you make sure the checklist lists all the requirements you need to support the application. Remember the Loanapp checklist will be re-created here - so it should be very accurate. But it might be, as you review the application, that something additional needs to be gathered. The Supporting Documents section allows you to:
review the checklist has listed everything required
review the attachments a broker has made
reject any of the attachments the broker has made
split or combine documents
edit/redact documents
upload any new documents you want to add
add new requirements to the list
use info request to request further documents/info from the broker or customers
For an article that describes how to use TAMA Supporting Docs, click here.
Decision Support
Once you have the Supporting Documents Checklist finalized, you can move to Decision Support. This is where you review the finalised set of documents against the application data, and also against your own verification logic for each of the documents. The Decision Support section allows you to:
review each document in detail - and against the application data
reject any of the attachments, request others, upload others
edit/redact documents
assess each document against your internal validation logic
give a final 'approval' to the document - that it is an acceptable support of the application data
use info request to request further documents/info from the broker or customers
You can use Supporting Documents and Decision Support together, and in any order. If your brokers tend to do a good job - it might be that you go straight to Decision Support to do a final review; and flip back to Supporting Docs only when you want to add items to the checklist.
For an article that describes how to use TAMA Decision Support, click here.