TAMA Supporting Documents will present to you a dynamic list of supporting docs that are required for the loan application, based on the application data (and your own logic).
There will be times that you will want to add further supporting documents to the list to ensure they are collected.
To add new requirements, you click on the + sign on the Document Set:
You will be presented with a popup to add the details of your new checklist item.
When completed, and you click ADD, the new requirement will be added to your checklist.
Qualifier Template
This allows you to auto-set the 'name' of the requirement. Click on the "Add a place holder" dropdown - and you can add elements that will build the title of the requirement:
EG - if you want to collect an employment contract for all applicants - you could add the place holders to the template "PersonFullName" - "Category".
This will auto-name the requirement with NameofApplicant - PAYG Income when set. Use the hand icon to add elements to the template. Here we have set the template:
In the other fields, enter in the data you want. Here I am setting the category for the Template to be Borrower - PAYG:
Continue completing the Title, Description etc.
When you get to Provided by - set who you want to collect these documents for. (eg if you add only Primary Applicant, the list will reflect this - whereas if you select both applicants, the list will add a requirement for each applicant):
Finally, set the number of docs you would anticipate you will need to have uploaded (eg if you are after 3 months statements, you might set 3 docs). Finally, click ADD to save and add to the checklist:
To review the new requirement, either click "show All" on the checklist, and scroll to the bottom:
You will note these new items will not have documents attached to them (as they are new requirements). You will need to upload and attach documents to satisfy these items.
Remember you can use Info Request to send a message to the broker to source the new required docs.