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Uploading and managing attachments for alert notifications
Uploading and managing attachments for alert notifications

How to upload and manage attachments for alert notification emails

Kate Gubbins avatar
Written by Kate Gubbins
Updated over 3 years ago

Naviagate to the alert setup screen.

Select the alert you want to upload the attachment to.

Scroll to the Attachments section and click "+New attachment" to create a new attachment.

You can now add the details for the attachment:

  • File name - This will be auto added when you upload the document. The File name can be changed

  • Description / Instructions - A description for your admin team about the intended use of this attachment. This message is not sent to or displayed to the recipient of the alert

  • Upload document - Upload the document/s to be attached here

  • For specific entry - Specify for which Entity (i.e. Company) this document should be attached. This is usually left blank so it applies to all entities.
    ​Note: Only set entity if actually required otherwise leave blank

  • For application template - Set the application template that for which this document should be attached to
    ​Note: The application template must be set for the document to be attached as part of the notification email

To manage a pre-existing attachment, click on the row it is in.

You will now be able to edit its attributes.

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