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PASAAS - How to setup Mortgage Managers by cloning other lender data
PASAAS - How to setup Mortgage Managers by cloning other lender data

You can take a short cut when setting up MM products by cloning the product setup of each of their funders

Kate Gubbins avatar
Written by Kate Gubbins
Updated over 3 years ago

Mortgage Managers are 'lenders' that have products that are supplied by other funders. They will mostly have the exact same products and the underlying lenders, with maybe a change in name and interest rate.

The easiest way to setup a MM is to copy the underlying funder product data into the MM. This article takes you through the process to do so. To illustrate, this article will set up FAST Aggregation with products from Pepper, ThinkTank and Advantedge.

Setup Mortgage Manager Channel.

You will need to register the new MM and setup their channel. Once setup, go to the Account section in their channel, and create the "Collections" that you want to copy data into. Its best to setup each funder as a separate collection, as this will enable you to manage each one separately as the underlying funder changes their data.

Here, I have set up FastLend (Advantedge), FastExcel (ThinkTank) and FastCustom (Pepper):

Subscribe to the underlying funders.

Next you will need to subscribe Fast to the underlying funders (Pepper, Advantedge and ThinkTank).

To do this, go to Account, Data Subscriptions.

Click on the request subscription button:

Fill in the details of the lender you want to subscribe to, and click request:

Continue for the three lenders for FAST:

"Approve" subscription

Next, you will need to approve the requested subscription for each lender.

Login to the Lender's channel, go to data subscriptions and go to Publish - who can see my data:

You will see the request is "pending"

Click Approve:

Continue to request; and approve across the MM and the funders as you need to:

Copy the funder data into the MM collections

Next you will want to go back to the MM and start copying the funder data into their collections.

Here we have the three collections setup in Fast.

Select the first; and hit clone:

Fill in the details:

Which Lender to clone from (you must have subscribed to this lender for it to appear)

Which Collection to clone

Which Collection to clone into:

The products of the selected lender will be copied into your MM:

You will need to go through the products and change names, check pricing, maybe delete products that arent sold by that MM etc but otherwise the config should be perfect.

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