The Alert function can be found in Account/Setup/Alert Setup:
In the Alert Setup you are presented with two initial dropdowns: Category and Alert
The Category dropdown allows you to select the Functionality in Tama that you wish to set an alert within. Eg if you wish to set an alert for credit assessors during their assessment workflows, you would select Omni.
Or if you wish to set an alert to the applicants during an application workflow, you will select Applications.
When you have selected the Category, the Alert dropdown will then present to you all the available Alerts that can be configured for that category (function)
Eg If select the Category 'Applications', you will then have in your Alert dropdown all the available Alerts for Applications workflows:
If you then select an Alert, you are presented with the configurable Alert (email) that can be sent to the intended audience:
The configurable aspects on any Alert are:
Subject Line - this is the subject that will appear on the receiver's email
Active - by ticking this box, you set the Alert as Active. ie if not ticked, the alert will not trigger
Message - this is where you configure the content of your email message. Note that you can insert placeholders to autopopulate the message with data from the Tama category functionality
Note that you can use the standard functionality which allows you to configure on-screen; or you can create more sophisticated messages using the html editor.
Branding - this can be set in the Tama channel Profile
Attachments - you can attach any other material to be sent along with the alert as part of the email.
For information about how to configure Alerts please click here.
For information about how Alerts are used in specific Tama workflows, please return to the Index and select the appropriate article