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Article - Introduction to Supporting Docs
Article - Introduction to Supporting Docs

See the progress as Brokers upload their Supporting Docs to you

Kate Gubbins avatar
Written by Kate Gubbins
Updated over 5 years ago


Welcome to the Supporting Docs service that actually works!

As brokers enter an application into Loanapp, a dynamic Supporting Docs Checklist is created, ensuring all the Lender requirements are met for that specific application scenario. Once those documents are uploaded by the broker and assigned to the Checklist item, the application is Approval Ready.

This article will show you how to view and access Supporting Docs as they are uploaded by brokers.

Step by Step Instructions

As a Lender, log into Loanapp and click on the Received Apps tab. This is a list of applications that have been submitted to you.

Initially, the applications will appear in the 'In Progress' tab. Depending on your internal workflows, you will move the applications into the 'Complete' tab once you have received and/or downloaded the Supporting Docs.

Notice the Checklist column.

This column shows the percentage of Supporting Documents that the broker has uploaded for each application.

Notice on the highlighted application, the percentage is currently at 94%. This could mean either:

1) the broker has not yet finished assigning all the required supporting docs to the document checklist, or

2) there is a mismatch between documents uploaded and those required to meet the checklist

Let's look into this further...

For a more detailed view of exactly which Supporting Docs have been uploaded, select the application that you want to review, and click the Supporting Docs icon.

Tip: one mouse click only to select. A double mouse click will open the application which is not necessary.

You are taken into a new window.

The Task List represents the Supporting Documents Checklist that has been dynamically created based on the data entered into the application.

In this instance, there is one remaining checklist item that is yet to have a document assigned to it.

Common mistakes/errors:

1) Broker uploads a document but does not assign it to a particular checklist item. This will mean that the Lender has no visibility of the document and assumes it has not been uploaded.

2) Broker does not populate the application data correctly and the full checklist doesn’t get generated. This will mean that there is no checklist requirement to assign the uploaded document to. As a result the Lender will have no visibility of the document and assumes it has not been uploaded.

Example – a Discharge Authority document uploaded, but there was no corresponding checklist requirement generated. The reason why this happened is because in the application the broker did not set Clearing From this Loan to “Yes”. Only liabilities being refinanced will trigger a Discharge Authority check item to be created.

If you find that you are missing some Supporting Docs, these errors are most likely to be the cause.

Downloading Supporting Docs

As a Lender, you will want to download the Supporting Docs of an application.

To do this, select the particular application (one mouse click only. Note that a double mouse click will open the application). Once selected, click Download Files.

Select the files that you want to Download:

The files will be downloaded into a ZIP file with documents categorised into Sub Folders.

You can then save to the appropriate drive in your business.

File management

To assist with file management, you can move the application from the 'In Progress' Tab to the 'Complete' tab at the appropriate time in your workflow.

To do this, highlight the application and click the 'Set as Complete' icon.

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