Once brokers have submitted their home loan application, they have the capability of uploading all their supporting documents (in accordance with your checklist) directly to you.
From their end, once they've uploaded and edited their documents, they simply click on Submit Document to Lender and know that the documents have been sent.
What happens if the broker uploads all their documents but for some reason, does not click the above-shown button. Are you still able to have access to those documents?
The answer is yes, you do. Lenders have access to the documents at any time through the Loanapp Interface (Received Apps Tab) and APIs, however, you may not call our API to download the files until the broker clicks on the Submit Documents to Lender button. That's the only time you get notified that the documents are ready to be downloaded and assessed.
Why can't Loanapp trigger the notification based on the checklist percentage uploaded by the broker?
We don’t trigger the notification based on the checklist percentage because there could be scenarios where the checklist is at 100% but the broker still wants to upload more documents. So it is up to the broker to notify you by clicking that button, once they are happy with the documents uploaded and are ready to send them through.
How do I view supporting documents?
There are multiple ways to view supporting documents however the easiest way is by following the below steps.
Step 1:
Select the application you'd like to open, from Received Apps, by simply clicking on the application once until that row is highlighted.
Step 2:
Once you see that the application has been highlighted (as per the above image), click on Download Files and a pop-up window will open.
Step 3:
This is where you have the option to download several aspects of the application. You'll simply be required to tick the Supporting Documents box and click Download to retrieve them.
All done! The file will consist of all documents uploaded by the broker and will be ready for you to action and assess.