Many actions, or items, in the DSC Action Banks are automatically scored. These are called Selected Response or Multi-select actions (items). However, two action types require scoring by the teacher: Constructed Response and Extended Response.
NOTE: Extended Response actions default to 4 points possible. Constructed Response actions default to 2 points possible.
NOTE: Selected Response, Exact Response, Student Task, and True-False actions are each worth one point when scoring. The overall score is derived from points earned over points possible.
Please scroll down to view step-by-step instructions.
1. Click on Results in the left menu.
2. Select the underlined title of the desired Learning Activity.
3. Scroll down the right side panel. Find the first student with the Waiting to be Scored status, click the Responses button to the right of the student’s name. This will open the student's Response card in the right panel.
4. To score a specific item, use the drop down menu to select the desired action #.
5. Click the number of points earned for the student’s response.
6. Click on the underlined rubric to view the rubric.
7. Type any specific, individual feedback in the Feedback field. The student will be able to see this feedback in addition to their score based on the rubric.
8. Click the Forward button to move to the next student’s Response Card waiting to be scored.