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How to Share Preview Links

Share training content with third-party users who lack Seismic Learning accounts

Joanna Brenneman avatar
Written by Joanna Brenneman
Updated over a week ago

In This Article

Sharing Content Externally

Sometimes you need to share content with external users who lack Learning login credentials. You can do so by sending them a preview link. Preview links won't prompt recipients to log in; neither will they allow viewers to answer questions or complete lessons. In this way the preview link is akin to read-only permissions in Google docs.

πŸ“ Important Note: Content sharing can be disabled. Contact your Account Manager or the Learning Support team to learn more.

Previewing Published Lessons

From the lesson overview page, click the Share button in the command menu, then select the radio button labeled "Anyone with Link."

Then select the Preview Published button.

Doing so will open a preview in a new browser tab. Lesson previews are marked by a blue banner designating them as such.

Copy the URL of this preview and share it with whomever you wish! The URL will look similar to the one below. Preview links always contain a preview subdirectory.

Previewing Lesson Drafts

Drafts of unpublished lessons can be previewed by selecting Preview Draft. Clicking this button will open a preview in a new tab, giving you a learner's point of view on your content.

Note that unpublished first drafts, i.e. content that has never been published, can only be shared with people who have Learning accounts. If a draft has never been published, it cannot be made public.

If you want to preview content for someone who lacks access to Learning, you must first publish the lesson and update the share settings as described above. Afterward, you can generate a preview link for the published lesson and for any future drafts thereof.

Previewing Paths

Learning paths can be shared with third-party users by following the same process described above.

On the path overview page, locate the Sharing module in the settings menu. Click edit, then select the radio button labeled "Content will be assigned to users who click this link. In-progress users will not be restarted."

Doing so will generate a URL. Don't copy this link! Instead, select the Preview button at the top of the settings menu.

A preview will load in the same browser tab. As with lesson previews, you can tell the link is correct by its preview subdirectory.

πŸ’‘ Tip: To ensure your preview loads correctly open it in an incognito window.

Keep in mind, previewers cannot edit content, nor answer questions, nor track whether the lesson has been completed.

Click Tracking for Preview Links

Learning doesn't track click data, but you can gather such information by using Bitly. Follow these steps to get started:

  1. Create a free Bitly account (limited to 50 links/month)

  2. Copy the preview link from Seismic Learning

  3. Paste the preview link into the Bitly generator

  4. Copy the link Bitly generates

  5. Share the new link with non-Seismic Learning users

Clicks can be tracked from the Bitly dashboard. This information is not stored within Learning.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q. Where Is the 'Complete Lesson' Button?

A. While in preview mode, users are doing just that: previewing content. To prevent completion data from being skewed, users are not able to complete lessons.

Q. Can I use share links to connect two or more lessons?

A. You bet. Preview links are hyperlinks like any other, so you can use them to connect Lesson A to Lesson B (you can also add those lessons to a learning path and preview it instead). Suppose Lesson B's share link permissions revert to 'Assigned Only', however. This will break the preview link in Lesson A. In other words, share and share alike!

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