What is Bamboo HR?
BambooHR provides companies with human resources software as a service.
BambooHR provides a variety of services including applicant tracking, employee records, payroll, time-off tracking, and much more.
The Seismic Learning <> BambooHR provides user management syncing users from Bamboo into Seismic Learning.
Once the sync is set up the integration runs five times a day: 7 AM 1 PM, 7 PM, 9 PM, & 1 AM EST.
The Bamboo <> Seismic Learning Integration
There are two different set-ups for the Bamboo integration:
Bamboo directory
Bamboo custom report
For more information on Bamboo Custom Reports check out this article here.
BambooHR Full-Directory Integration
To begin setting up the Bamboo Full-Directory integration, the customer needs to provide three items to either the Support team or their designated TAM team member:
Bamboo subdomain
Bamboo API key
A department to sync to Seismic Learning. Learning can sync either:
More than one department
The entire Bamboo directory
If a sync department is present the integration will sync only the users who are included in the department.
If a sync department is not provided the integration will sync all users present in Bamboo.
The sync department attribute is case sensitive and should be comma separated.
If a customer is unsure who to reach out to begin this setup, please contact Support directly at support@lessonly.com
BambooHR Field Syncing
Required attributes in a Bamboo user profile:
attribute cannot be modified directly but if it is absent the user cannot be synced.
Optional attributes (these will sync to Seismic Learning if present):
Custom attributes:
Only available for the Bamboo Custom Report integration.
Important Note
Hire Date is not supported through the Full-Directory integration. For users to be synced with a hire date, this needs to be done through the Bamboo Custom Report integration.
Archiving users:
Any users no longer present will be archived in Seismic Learning. (those who have been terminated).
Users created manually in Seismic Learning, but not present in the Bamboo directory will not be affected.
Users who are created through the Bamboo integration will not receive a welcome email unless they are assigned content through a trigger or via being synced into a smart group with assigned content. The new users would then receive an assignment email prompting them to create an account and complete the assignment.
Question? Contact the Support team at support@lessonly.com