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Multiple Choice Knowledge Check

Take the pulse of learner comprehension with multiple choice questions

Michael Hughes avatar
Written by Michael Hughes
Updated over a year ago

In This Article

About This Activity

Multiple choice knowledge checks allow you to assess learner comprehension as lessons unfold. They consist of a stem or prompt, a correct answer, and several wrong answers, also known as distractors. By following lengthy explanations with knowledge checks, you can test learners' knowledge of a subject or rehearse important takeaways. When learners choose an answer, they see why it was the correct choice or not. And because knowledge checks aren't graded, learners can repeatedly practice without penalty.

Create Multiple Choice Knowledge Checks

Navigate to the lesson builder, then open the Add Element menu. Hover over Knowledge Check, then select Multiple Choice from the list.

Next, fill out each of the fields as directed. Add a prompt, the question you want learners to answer, and then add the correct answer and an explanation. Finally, add incorrect answers to test how well your learners understand the subject matter they've studied up to this point. Theoretically, you can add as many incorrect choices as you wish, but 1 to 3 will probably get the job done.

πŸ’‘ Tip: You can use knowledge checks to create true or false questions.

When each part of the knowledge check has been added the color of the fields will change from red to gray, indicating validation.

What Learners See

When learners encounter a knowledge check, they'll see a question (that is, the knowledge you want them to have) and several answers from which to choose. After selecting an answer, the Check Answer button will be activated. Clicking this will immediately assess the learner's work.

If the learner answers incorrectly, the element will show a red X and the learner will be encouraged to try again. Clicking Try Again will reset the element and randomize the answers.

Once learners answer the quiz correctly, the Try Again button will be disabled, and learners will not be able to retry the question unless the lesson is restarted or reassigned.

πŸ“ Note: Knowledge checks are required and cannot be made optional at this time. Moreover, it's not enough that learners answer the knowledge check; they must solve it by selecting Check Answer to verify their choices. Should learners attempt to complete a lesson without checking their knowledge, they'll be met with a notice like the one pictured below.

Accessibility Features

You can complete multiple choice knowledge checks using only your keyboard.

  1. Press the Tab key to move focus to the quiz area. Press Shift + Tab to move focus in reverse.

  2. Press the Up arrow and Down arrow keys to cycle through answer choices.

  3. After selecting an answer, move focus to Check Answer at the bottom of the quiz, and then press Enter.

You can also use a screen reader to answer multiple choice questions. Navigate the page by pressing Ctrl+Opt+Left arrow or Right arrow. Select an answer by pressing Ctrl+Opt+Spacebar.

Insights & Data

Two reports aggregate knowledge check data. Admins and users with content permissions can download these reports on the Insights tab under More Reports.

This screenshot shows the location of two knowledge check reports; they're located about half way down the More Reports page on the Insights tab.

  • Knowledge Check Attempts shows the number of knowledge check attempts recorded in your account in the last 90 days. Attempts are categorized by learner, lesson, and question subject.

  • Knowledge Check Correctness shows the percentage of correct attempts per knowledge check question.

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