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Seismic Learning API

Learning offers an open API, but what does this mean?

Joanna Brenneman avatar
Written by Joanna Brenneman
Updated over a year ago

Application programming interfaces, or APIs, allow developers to access the functionality of a given software application. To put it another way, APIs allow applications to communicate with each other. In Learning's case, the API allows you to send data to Learning, and receive data from it, in a standardized way.

With an API set up with your Learning account, you can do the following:

  • Create and edit users

  • Assign content to users or groups

  • Add new users to groups

  • Retrieve a list of users and groups

  • Retrieve a list of assigned group content

  • Retrieve lists of content items and assignments

  • Retrieve lists of learning path contents

  • Retrieve learner scores from completed content

Here are some practical ways the API can automate learning administration:

  • Automatically create user profiles for new employees, and assign them learning content

  • Assign content to all employees

  • Track employee progress and store training data in your CRM

Learning's API specification documentation is available at this link. API timestamp data is returned in eastern time.

Access Your API Key

Select the gear icon β†’ Settings, and then select API & Webhook. Select Show API credentials.

Doing so reveals your subdomain and API key. Keep your key secret and safe; treat it as a password. If your key is compromised, request a new one from the Support team.

After generating your API key, select See API docs to access developer documentation.


Questions? Contact the Support team at

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