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Lesson Activity Analytics

Gain insight into how users are progressing through assigned content

Joanna Brenneman avatar
Written by Joanna Brenneman
Updated over a week ago

In This Article

What Are Lesson Section Analytics?

Lesson Section Analytics provides a detailed view of the performance of users at a lesson and section level.

For example, admins often want to know how long a user is taking to complete a lesson. This helps graders see how a learner is progressing through a piece of content. Admins and users with content and people permissions can view engagement and performance levels on the lesson overview page.Β 

What Analytics Are Included?

Lesson section analytics display metrics such as:

  • Total times section visited

  • Unique section visits

  • Section active time: Total

  • Section active time: Avg. per Learner

  • Average Time on a Lesson

Lesson section analytics does work retroactively and backfills since the creation of the lesson, but completion time does not retroactively fill because Learning was not tracking this metric in the past.

How Does Seismic Learning Count "Time Spent" in a Lesson?

Time is counted by tracking how long a user is active in the Learning tab, but this can vary based on browsers.

Typically, for example, let's say a user is solely working in Google Chrome and then moves out of the Learning tab into a new tab in the same browser. The timer stops counting, and upon returning to the Learning tab the timer starts again picking off where it left off.

However, in the case where a user is working in Learning in Chrome and navigates to another browser (Safari/Firefox) the timer does not stop counting. Meaning if a user starts a lesson in Google Chrome and is actively working on the lesson for 1:53, then navigates to another browser for 3:45, and then the user returns to the Learning tab and completes the lesson taking another 2:14, the total time of completion would show 7:52.

Does the timer stop counting lesson view time if the lesson is put onto a second monitor?

This depends on the user's behavior on the second monitor. If a user is active on the second monitor (active meaning their mouse is on the screen), placing the lesson on a second monitor does not impact the counting of the time in the lesson as long as the tab is open.

πŸ’‘ Note: Counting begins any time a tab is open on a lesson and the mouse is present.

How Learning Counts Lesson Views

A lesson view is defined as any time a learner navigates a lesson for the first time.

If a user views Lesson A (either through Learn or an assignment), then the learner navigates to Lesson B this counts as two lesson views.

Now let's say a user views Lesson A, then leaves their computer for the day and comes back the next day and views Lesson A again - it does not register a second lesson view.

How Learning Counts Section Views

A section view is tracked when a user navigates to a section. There is no minimum time a user must spend on a section for it to be counted. If the section loads, a section view is recorded.

πŸ’‘ Important Note: Lesson sections must completely load before view time data is recorded. If a section fails to load before a learner moves to the next one, the previous section's view time will not be recorded.

There is a maximum time per section, however. Section view time is capped at 2 consecutive hours per section. This cap prevents average completion times from being skewed when learners load a section but step away from their computers.

Lesson Statistics by Section

Lesson statistics by section show the total views of each section, unique learners, and average time spent in each section.

Lesson Statistics by Learner

This table shows the total number of times each learner viewed a lesson; when they last viewed it; whether (and when) they completed the lesson; and how long it took them to complete the lesson.Β 

The "Completion Time" column always displays the learner's most recent attempt, matching the date and time in the "Status" column.

Question Performance

This % Correct column reflects all answers for all users regardless of the number of attempts.

Important Note: This percentage takes into account all attempts for all completed assigned users.

SCORM Analytics

When tracking progress in SCORM lessons, we recommend referencing the SCORM analytics found under the Lesson Activity section. This data shows the average time in SCORM across all lesson attempts. In most cases, this time will be similar to Learning's average completion time. Because SCORM analytics are drawn from SCORM Cloud, however, these figures can differ from Learning's for a variety of reasons. For instance, a user could begin a lesson in Learning without opening the SCORM package.

πŸ”‘ Key takeaway: Average Completion Time is the time captured by Learning overall, while Average Time in SCORM is measured by SCORM Cloud, and indicates the average time spent in the package itself.Β 

Frequently Asked Questions

Q. Learners appear to be completing lessons quicker than expected. Have my analytics gone haywire or are my learners just being careless?

A. Your learners may be studying content outside of the Learning platform. Does your lesson include PDF files or other downloadable content? It's possible that learners are downloading these files and reviewing them outside of Learning , thus stopping the view time tracker. When learners return to the lesson and proceed through the remainder of its contents, a shorter than expected completion time will be recorded, giving the inadvertent appearance of learners having rushed through the lesson.

Q. My training content contains videos. Will the time learners spend watching these be counted?

A. Yes, provided the learner remains within the Learning platform. Leaving the lesson, even while the video is playing, will halt time tracking.

Q. One of my learners completed a lesson but no completion time was recorded. Why?

A. It's likely the lesson failed to completely load as the learner progressed through it. Lesson sections must completely load before view time is recorded. If content is loading in the background, even on sections that have seemingly loaded, view time will not be counted. Should a learner complete a lesson thus affected, no completion time will be published in the lesson statistics table.

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