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The Export Report

View all users' grades and responses to a lesson with the Export Report

Joanna Brenneman avatar
Written by Joanna Brenneman
Updated over a week ago

What is the Export Report?

The Export Report is a great resource for admins or users with people and content permissions to gain insight into how users are performing on a specific lesson. 

Where is the Export Report?

The Export Report is located directly above the bar graph on the lesson overview page.

Once selected, a blue bar appears at the top of the browser while downloading. When the blue bar turns green, the download becomes clickable and the user can download a .CSV of the report. 

What is included in the Export Report?

Lesson Information

  • Lesson Name

  • Creator

  • Created

  • Last Edited

  • Average Score

  • Filtered Group

Assignee Information

  • Email

  • Role

  • Role ID

  • Role Name

  • Learning ID

  • Archived?

  • Created At

  • Business Unit Department

  • Location Hire Date

  • Manager Name

  • Job Title Score

  • Assigned At

  • Version

  • Completed At

  • Any questions/answers response

🚨 Note: The Export Report includes all raw data from a given lesson, even a record of assignments that were later unassigned. This is because Seismic Learning maintains something like a permanent record. The record of assignments constitutes part of a learner's progress, their total record of activity. If a lesson was unassigned, the export report will return a blank cell under the "Assigned At" column.

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