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Grading Station

Admins and users with user permission have access to completed content through the grading station.

Joanna Brenneman avatar
Written by Joanna Brenneman
Updated over 8 months ago

In This Article

Where Is the Grading Station?

Once a learner has completed content with gradable responses, that content moves into the grading station. The grading station is located in the upper right corner of the interface, but only when content needs to be graded.

By default, the grading station is filtered by Content, but other filters can be set by toggling the drop-down menu. Other filters include:

  • User

  • Long-waiting

  • Group

Filtering by Content

When filtering by content, the grader can view the lesson title, ungraded submissions, and the number of days the content has been awaiting a grade.

After locating the lesson or practice scenario to grade, select its title to see all users awaiting a grade. Learners are listed in alphabetical order by their first name.

Filtering by User

When filtering by user, the grader can locate or search for the user’s name. Items to grade appear in order of long-waiting, from oldest to newest.

Filtering by Long-waiting

When filtered by long-waiting, items awaiting grade for more than 7 days appear. Select on the lesson name, user name, or days awaiting to open the content needing graded.

Filtering by Group

When filtering by group, the grader's role determines which learners they can grade. Admins can view all groups. Users with people management permissions can view only those groups they have been assigned.

📝 Note: All groups the user managers are listed regardless of whether the group(s) have items to grade or not.

Items appear in order of long-waiting, from oldest to newest.

If there are no items to grade, the screen will read "Nothing to grade! Great Job!"

How to Save Grades Before Submitting

While in the grading station, users with access to grading content have the ability to save a portion of the graded content without submitting the user's grade.

As long as the grader leaves one or more of the questions not marked as Correct or Incorrect but has feedback filled in when selecting "Submit Grades" it will show as "Saving" and save the feedback portion until the grader is ready to come back and complete grading the rest of the content.

If all questions have been marked as Correct or Incorrect, when selecting "Submit Grades," this will automatically complete the grading and send the user their score.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q. Can I change my grades after submitting them?

A. No. Once a lesson has been graded there's no way to manually update the feedback you provided. Please contact the Support team with such requests.

Q. Can I customize the grading system? Can I add letter grades, for example?

A. Not at this time. You can mark an answer correct or incorrect and use the feedback field to supply a rationale.

Q. Why can't I submit my grades? The 'Submit' button is disabled.

A. You must mark each question in a lesson correct or incorrect to enable the Submit button, and thereby return grades to your learners.

Questions? Contact the Support team at

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