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Set a Default View

Save content filters, sparing you the trouble of having to repeatedly apply them

Joanna Brenneman avatar
Written by Joanna Brenneman
Updated over a week ago

As your content library grows, so does the need for filters. Filters allow you to narrow content by certain values in order to quickly locate relevant results. And by setting a default view, you can save your filters, sparing you the trouble of having to reapply them every time you refresh the page. Default views can be set on the Content and Events pages.

Before you begin: You must have permission to create and edit content, or permission to manage the image and content libraries.

How to Set a Default View

On the Content page, apply the filter or filters you want to save. There are four filters to choose from: content type, tags, date updated, and creator.

Next, select No Default View Set, and then Save Current View as Default.

Updating the Default View

To set a new default view, select Clear Filters, and then apply a new filter or filters. Next, select Unsaved View > Save Current View as Default.

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