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Scheduled Assignments Queue

Use this repository to review any assignments you've scheduled

Joanna Brenneman avatar
Written by Joanna Brenneman
Updated over 4 months ago

Locate the Scheduled Assignment Queue

The Scheduled Assignments Queue is located in the gear icon menu, in the upper-right corner of Learning's interface.

Select Scheduled Assignments Queue to see all future-dated assignments in your account. You can edit or delete assignments right from the queue.

Editing Scheduled Assignments

To edit a future dated assignment, select the Edit link in the queue. You can change its assign date, its due date (if one has been set), and whether the assignment is reoccurring.

📝 Note: You can now customize the time and timezone that assignments go out!! 🎉

Deleting a Scheduled Assignment

To delete a scheduled assignment, navigate to the queue, locate the future dated assignment, and select Delete.

A dialog window will ask you to confirm that you want to delete the scheduled assignment. Click OK to continue.

A Quick Caution About Scheduled Assignments

Suppose you add a new employee––let's call him Russ––to a group after assigning that group content. So long as Russ is added to the group before 8 am EST, when scheduled assignments are sent, he'll receive the assignment on the date you specified. Otherwise, you'll need to manually assign Russ the same learning content his fellow group members received. This is because content assignments are not automatically retroactive.

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