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OneLogin SCIM Configuration

This guide provides the steps required to configure provisioning for OneLogin SSO.

Joanna Brenneman avatar
Written by Joanna Brenneman
Updated over a week ago

Prerequistes to Setting Up OneLogin SCIM

First, OneLogin SSO needs to be set up for an account. Review this article, and then reach out to Support at to begin the setup.

Enabling OneLogin SCIM

Below are the configuration steps for enabling OneLogin SCIM:

1. Create SCIM App

  • Login to OneLogin.

  • From the Main menu, select Applications > choose "Add App."

  • Search for “SCIM.

  • Select “SCIM Provisioner with SAML (SCIM v2)” and select “Save.

2. Configure SCIM App

3. Configure provisioning for SCIM app

  • Select on the “Provisioning tab.

  • Check “Enable Provisioning.

  • Under “Require admin approval before this action” section, uncheck the “Create,” “Delete,” and “Update” checkboxes to have OneLogin provision new users and update users to the SCIM app without requiring administrative approval.

  • Select “Save.

4. Test Provisioning with your SCIM app

  • Select the “Access“ tab.

  • In the “Roles” section, ensure “Default” is checked.

  • Select “Save.

  • From the main menu, select “Users.

  • Select the user to provision to the SCIM app.

  • Select the “Applications” tab for the user.

  • In the “Roles” section, select “Default."

  • Select “Save User” to start the provisioning process.

5. View Provisioning

  • From the main menu, select Users > Provisioning.

  • Refresh the page to view the updates.

  • Go to "Applications," open the SCIM app.

  • Select the “Users” tab to see provisioned users.

If you have any questions please reach out to Support at 

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