Anonymous login allows users to complete Learning content without having to sign in to Seismic Learning. Users don't need to be created before they can access content, and their identities remain anonymous when completing content.
To enable anonymous login, contact Support at
Locate the Anonymous Login Security Key
Once enabled by Support, an admin or users with company settings permission can locate the anonymous login security key through the gear icon in the upper right-hand corner > select Settings > select Anonymous Login.
How to Create Anonymous Login Links
First, before building the anonymous link the content must be set to "Shared." To set a lesson or path to "Shared" > navigate to the content's overview page > and select "Share."
Then copy the URL > and append " ?ext_uid= " to the end of the link.
For example,
The user will need to add an "alphanumeric ID" after the equal sign such as "000001"
For example,
For security purposes, the user then must also add a security hash to the link.
How to Generate a Hash
This hash needs to be generated by the customer. A great resource is
When generating a hash, the customer needs to format this hash generator with the alphanumeric ID selected and the anonymous login security key
ext_uid:anonymous login security key
For example:
Input this into the hash calculator and it generates a hash: d696bc4f173492cf78d0bfd46d05ac3e9df3ba3cb762808bc6365fdc4fbde0a8
Then add " &h= " to the URL for the start of the hash.
For example,
Steps for generating a hash link can also be found in Learning's Settings.
Sharing Anonymous Login Links
Once finished, the user can share the newly created URL with any non-Learning user and it prompts them to take the content.
After accessing the content through the link, each anonymous user is created with a unique ID and unique anonymous email.
π‘ Important! Existing users need a unique URL in order to sign in.
Q. Does each piece of content need its own unique URL?
A: Yes, each link works for a single lesson or path. If there are multiple lessons or paths a user needs to take, there must be a separate link for each of the pieces of content.
Q. What happens if a user was previously logged into Learning with an email and password and then selects on an anonymous login link?
A: If a user is currently logged in (after previously following an Anonymous Login link for example) then ext_uid is ignored and they will access the lesson or path with their login credentials.
Questions? Contact the Support team at