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Chat Conversation Practice

Create conversations between customers and reps to simulate real-life interactions.

Michael Hughes avatar
Written by Michael Hughes
Updated over a week ago

About this task

Chat conversation is a practice activity that simulates the experience of helping customers via live chat. Learners complete the activity by selecting the best responses to incoming chat messages. The element isn't graded, so learners enjoy a low-stress environment in which to improve the foundational skills of customer support.


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  1. In the lesson builder, select Add Element > Practice > Chat Conversation.

  2. Enter the details of a customer support scenario:

    1. Enter a memorable conversation title. Pique the learner's curiosity.

    2. Write a scenario introduction.Set the scene: supply learners with the context and background information they need to effectively play their roles.

    3. Enter the name of an imaginary customer.

  3. Add the details of your first chat interaction:

    1. Write an incoming chat message that details the customer's question or complaint.

    2. Enter a correct response.

    3. Optional: Explain why the response is correct.

    4. Enter an incorrect response, also known as a distractor.

    5. Optional: Explain why the response is incorrect.

    6. Select Add additional incorrect response to add more distractors.As a best practice, limit distractors to two or three items. This prevents learners from losing time to choice paralysis.

  4. Extend the length of a chat conversation by selecting Add interaction, and then repeat the instructions in step 3. You can add as many interactions as you need.

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