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All Activities Report

Find specific actions users are taking while working in Seismic Learning.

Joanna Brenneman avatar
Written by Joanna Brenneman
Updated over a week ago

What is the All Activities Report?

The All Activities Report is available to all admins and users who have been manager rights over a group of users.

Actions recorded in this report include:

  • Searches in Learn

  • Optional Learning Lesson Views

  • "Ask the Expert" questions

  • Archives (for a user, lesson, path or event)

  • Flipcard and reveal interactions

  • Certifications received

  • Video recording initiated

  • Lesson section views

Where is the All Activities Report?

The All Activities Report is located on the Insights tab under More Reports:

Important Note

This report only pulls for the previous calendar month and is currently not customizable when filtering by date range. 

Meaning if an admin downloads the report on November 12th hoping to view an activity occurring on November 10th, it won't appear. The report will only show actions taking place from October 1 - October 31. On December 1st, the user can then view actions taken during November.

If you have any questions please reach out to Support at 

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