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Search and Filter the Archive

Find training records in your archive with these search and filter features

Michael Hughes avatar
Written by Michael Hughes
Updated over a week ago

About This Task

When you remove users and curricular content from your training library, the records aren't deleted but rather archived. Because your content isn't erased it can easily be reactivated. The following records can be archived:

  • Lessons

  • Paths and certifications

  • On-demand practice scenarios

  • Events

  • Users

  • Smart and custom groups

Moreover, you can search the archives or filter by content types in order to quickly locate the records you want to restore.

Before you begin: To archive users you must have permission to create, edit, and archive people and groups. To archive training content you must have content ownership permissions.

Access, Filter, and Search the Archive

From the Content, Events, or People pages, select View Archives in the lower right corner.

Each tenant has one archive, but its contents are filtered according to the Training page from which you access the archive. Access it from the People page, and it's contents are filtered by users. Access it from the Events page, and it's filtered by events.

Next, select the dropdown menu, and then select the filter you want to apply.

Enter keywords in the search field to locate content within the filtered set of results. Note

that it's not possible to search all archived content from this search field. You must first select a filter, and then search within that set of results. For example, you cannot search for an archived user when the events filter is active.

Important Note: You must search archived users by name. It's not possible to locate archived users by their email addresses.

Finally, select the archived contents you want to restore, and then select Restore to reactivate them.

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