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How to Embed Seismic Knowledge Content in Lessons

Extend the reach of verified knowledge by adding Guides and FAQs to your training content

Joanna Brenneman avatar
Written by Joanna Brenneman
Updated over a week ago

In This Article

What Is Seismic Knowledge?

Seismic Knowledge is a just-in-time enablement solution that helps sellers find accurate information while providing insights that help enablement teams swiftly identify and fill knowledge gaps. Knowledge delivers self-service, bite-sized answers in the daily flow of work. In turn, those answers can be embedded in Learning, enriching your training content with crowdsourced and verified knowledge.

Knowledge content comes in two flavors, FAQs and guides. FAQs are snippets of information, narrow in scope, that provide answers to discrete questions. Guides, on the other hand, are like wikis. They give users a simple and clean way to document long-form, static documentation such as policies, processes, runbooks and how-tos.

Why Embed Knowledge Content in Learning?

Here are just two reasons. Doubtless you'll think of others!

Modularity. Format content once, then embed it wherever it’s relevant. Combine several Knowledge embeds to build out customized content hubs on particular subjects or features.

Update Once, Update Everywhere. When parent content is updated, those updates will be reflected everywhere the content has been embedded.

Locating the Embed Code

Navigate to the Content page from the Seismic Knowledge menu bar...

This screenshot shows the Seismic Knowledge dashboard as it appears in the web. An arrow points to the location of the Content page.

...then select the content you wish to embed. This will open the content editor. Select Manage from the editor's menu bar.

This screenshot shows the location of the Manage link on a Knowledge FAQ. The link appears in the menu bar of each piece of content.

Select Settings from the bottom of the content management panel.

This screenshot shows the location of the Settings menu; it's nestled at the bottom of the content management fly-out.

There are two toggles in the Settings menu you'll want to activate. First, set your content so that it can be publicly shared. This will ensure that embedded content loads for all Seismic Learning learners. Sharing content publicly means anyone with the link to that content will be able to view it, so proceed with caution!

Next, toggle Share Embed Code to generate the embed HTML. Select the copy button to copy this code to your clipboard. 📋

This image shows the Share Publicly and Share Embed Code toggles, part of the Settings menu on each piece of Knowledge content.

Embedding Knowledge Content in Learning

After copying the embed code from Seismic Knowledge, navigate to the lesson builder in the Learning training app, then add a text element. This element in the lesson builder allows you to edit HTML––like the embed code you copied!

After adding the text element, select Edit HTML. Paste the embed code you copied from Seismic Knowledge. Select Edit HTML again to close the editor. A preview of your embedded content will load in the text element.

This animated GIF demonstrates the process by which iFrame HTML code is added to the HTML editor in Lessonly's text elements.

Congrats! You've just extended the reach of the already excellent content stored in your Seismic Knowledge answer bank. 🎓

Frequently Asked Questions

Q. Can I embed Seismic Knowledge content without setting it to be publicly shared?

A. Yes, but users will only see embedded content if they have permission to view it. Here are the different scenarios a user might encounter:

  • If content is not set to be publicly shared, and the user is logged into Knowledge with permission to view the embedded content, they will see the embedded guide or FAQ.

  • If the user is logged into Knowledge without permission to view the embedded content, they will see an error message telling them they lack permission to see the embedded guide or FAQ.

  • If the user viewing the embed is not logged into Knowledge, they will be prompted to login in order to view the guide or FAQ. After logging in, if they have permission to view the content, it will become visible.

  • If embedded content is set to be publicly shared, the embedded guide or FAQ will display for all users, regardless of login or permission status.

Q. Can you show me the embed settings process in a 30-second GIF?

A. I sure can!

This animated GIF shows the process by which embedding is enabled on Seismic Knowledge content.

Questions? Contact the Seismic Learning Support team at

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