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Merge Users

Learn how to eliminate duplicate user accounts

Michael Hughes avatar
Written by Michael Hughes
Updated over a week ago

Sometimes Seismic Learning users are inadvertently duplicated in the system, preventing the user from logging in. This can happen when the same user is registered under different email addresses, following a bulk user import for example. But never fear! Duplicate accounts can be merged.

The merger must be completed on Learning's backend, however. To request that user accounts be merged, please contact the Support team at

Following a merger, one account will be deleted, the other one kept. Lesson completion data from the deleted account will be imported to the active account.

Important Notes

  • Users cannot be merged across separate Learning accounts; they must be located within the same tenant.

  • Custom fields don't convey during a merger. You'll need to recreate these fields in the remaining account.

Questions? Contact the Support team at

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