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Release Notes for February 2023
Release Notes for February 2023

Six more weeks of winter ❄️

Michael Hughes avatar
Written by Michael Hughes
Updated over a week ago


New eLearning Functionality Enabled for Beta Customers

It used to be the case that eLearning packages such as SCORM, xAPI, and CMI5 could only be uploaded to Lessonly as standalone lessons, ones incorporating none of Lessonly's innovative teaching and learning tools. But that limitation is a thing of the past. Now you can embed eLearning packages within a single section of a lesson, allowing you to build Lessonly content around that section in order to create deeper, more robust learning experiences.

Read more about this feature here.

New Publishing Permissions

Publishing permissions can now be decoupled from other content permissions. The reason for this change is explained in this FAQ.

Matching Element Knowledge Check: Now Generally Available!

The matching element, previously available only to beta testers, was released for all Lessonly customers on February 27. Learn more about this interactive knowledge check here. Many thanks to those of you who shared feedback about this feature.

'Wait!' Page Gets a Glow-up

Learners are greeted by an unskippable wait page when they attempt to finish a lesson without completing required content. We made several updates to the styling of this page to make it congruent with Lessonly's new features, such as the matching and sorting knowledge checks, and our new role play feature.

Skills and Training: Two Great Tastes that Taste Great Together

As a first step toward integrating Lessonly's training and skills apps, we've updated the Skills module in the lesson and path overviews to allow users to connect (or disconnect) Skills to training content.

Fixes 🛠️

No Duplicate Questions in Matching Element Knowledge Checks

We fixed an error that allowed users to create duplicate items in a matching element, which resulted in apparently correct choices being marked as wrong.

Each item pair in the matching element is assigned an ID number; this number is how Lessonly validates correct and incorrect choices. When like ID numbers are joined up, an answer is determined to be correct. In other words, Lessonly is not verifying the correctness of matching tiles based on their lexical content. So, when a learner is given the option to apply the same answer string, as in this example...'s possible that the wrong 'do' or 'don't' tile will be selected, resulting in a match that reads as correct to the learner but is judged to be incorrect owing to a numerical mismatch in the background.

The upshot is this: when designing a matching element, if the choices in the left column are not unique, Lessonly will show a validation error that reads "Please enter another match option. This one already exists.” The creator will be unable to save their work until this error has been resolved. This way, lesson creators can continue to design knowledge checks like the one above without creating duplicate items in the system.

Disallow Duplicate Items in the Sorting Element

See above. We fixed more or less the same issue described above, but as applied to the sorting element. If any options in a sorting element are not unique, Lessonly will show a validation error and prevent the user from saving. The sorting element is all about identifying the correct structure of a hierarchy, or the correct order of a given sequence. Duplicate items therefore thwart the intended purpose of this quiz.

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