How long you take baclofen after reaching your effective dose is a personal decision between you and our practitioners.
Typically we see people reaching their effective dose in the 2nd or 3rd month.
Your effective dose is the point at which you achieve indifference and feel in control of your cravings during your baclofen titration (slowly increasing your daily doses).
This is not a standardized dose; it’s different for each individual. The effective dose does not force you to stop drinking, it gives you power of choice over when to drink, how much, and when not to drink without cravings forcing you to drink more.
Once the effective dose is reached, you should feel in control of your drinking; you will be able to choose when to drink and how much. At this point you'll move to the maintenance phase for up to six months while you work to replace old habits with new ones and continually improve your life.
After the maintenance phase is complete, it is possible to begin to slowly reduce your baclofen dose, keeping a careful eye on the recurrence of cravings.
Again, this is only a general guide, and each person is different.