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Manage your Medication Plan

How to manage your medication plan via the mobile app.

Justin Rahardjo avatar
Written by Justin Rahardjo
Updated over 4 years ago

You can manage your medication plan via the More > Medication page.

Preview your Medication Plan

You can preview the next 7 days of your plan by clicking on Preview Plan.


While you are titrating toward your Effective Dose, you can perform certain actions to manage your medication plan. You will have access to different actions based on the plan created by the provider. Read on for an explanation of each.

Pause your plan

If you are experiencing side effects, you may pause your plan. This will allow you to remain at your current dosage until your side effects subside. Please contact us at 888-959-8858 if you have paused your plan.

Resume your plan

Once the side effects have subsided (or your reason for pausing has been resolved), you can resume titration. Your plan will NOT start immediately after you select Resume your plan. One of our providers will review your account and your reasons for resuming before the action can be approved. In some cases, an appointment may be required to resume your plan.

Re-sync your plan

There might be occasions when you miss your dosage or start your plan on the wrong day. If the dosage you are taking is out-of-sync with the dosage specified in your plan, you may re-sync your plan. You will only be able to re-sync to a lower dosage than what is indicated in your plan. If you are out-of-sync and are taking a higher dosage, please contact us to resolve this issue.

Request a slower plan

If you are experiencing side effects, you can request a slower plan to potentially reduce side effects. When you request a slower plan, we adjust your medication plan so that you spend more time at each dosage before it increases. Slowing your plan may decrease the risk of side effects, but it will also delay your progression toward the Effective Dose.

Request a faster plan

If you are not experiencing side effects and have previously slowed down your plan, you can request a faster plan to expedite your progress. When you request a faster plan, we adjust your medication plan so that you spend less time at each dosage before it increases. A faster plan may increase the risk of side effects, but it will also expedite your progress toward the Effective Dose.

If you are experiencing side effects and would like more information, please contact us directly via or at 1-888-959-8858.

If you are experiencing a medical emergency, please call 9-1-1 or go to the nearest hospital or urgent care.

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