Step 1: Go to Your DNS Records
Log into the website where you purchased your domain name (i.e. GoDaddy, Squarespace, Network Solutions, etc), and locate your DNS records.
Create a CNAME record that points to "".
For example, if you are using GoDaddy, you will enter "www" as the Host and have it point to "".
Usually the name/host contains "www." You can leave the TTL section as it is.
*NOTE: Please use the exact words "". It is not asking for you to create a custom name, you are simply adding the words "" to the "Points to" section.
Step 2: Go to Your Lightfolio Website
Once you have created the CNAME record with the company that hosts your domain, open Lightfolio in another tab or window.
Open your Website and select the Settings button in the left-side menu.
From there expand the Setup option and click the pencil icon next to the Website Domain.
Step 3: Type In Your Domain
After clicking on the Edit icon, an Edit Website Domain box will pop up.
In the Use My Own Domain section, enter in the domain you’re connecting to.
For example, "".
Click on the Save Custom Domain button.
Your website domain will then be updated. It can take up to 24 hours for the security certificate to populate.
Step 4: Add an A Record (For Domains Starting with www)
If you are planning to use “www” for your website (e.g.,, you will most likely need to add an A record.
Inside your DNS records, create an A record that points to
The name/host column will contain "@".
You can leave the TTL and the Seconds sections as they are.