Part thresholds and threshold settings are tools to manage your parts inventory. Based on the thresholds you set, Limble will generate tasks and alert you to restock and manage your inventory.
This article teaches you about how to use part thresholds and threshold settings to manage your parts inventory.
Table of Contents
Threshold Types
These can be configured individually in the part's settings by clicking the gear icon in the part card, or in bulk through our import and update systems.
Thresholds are disabled by default with a value of -1, and remain disabled unless changed.
The sections below explain how each threshold is used to help manage your inventory.
Minimum Part Qty Threshold
Minimum Part Qty Threshold
Minimum part qty threshold determines the minimum amount of parts you need in your on hand in your inventory.
When a part's inventory goes below this number, Limble will generate a threshold task for a user to check the inventory and order more.
On the Manage Parts page, you will see a caution icon next to a part's name if it is below the threshold.
Maximum Part Qty Threshold
Maximum Part Qty Threshold
Maximum part qty threshold determines the maximum amount of parts you need in your on hand in your inventory.
When a part is being ordered from a threshold task, this number is used to determine how many parts need to be restocked.
When a threshold task generates, Limble will use the maximum threshold to show you how much the inventory is understocked by: [Max Part Qty Threshold] - [Current Part Qty] = [Understocked Qty].
If a PO is started from the threshold task, the number in the Qty field will automatically generate as the same understocked quantity.
Stale Threshold
Stale Threshold
The stale threshold alerts you when a part has not been used in a certain number of days. This can help you identify parts that can be sold and support more accurate budget planning for parts spend.
If no one uses the part in a task within the timeframe set by the stale threshold, Limble will generate a task letting a user know it has not been used.
For example, if the stale threshold is set to 365, Limble will generate a task if a part has not been used in a task within a year.
(Note: for customers using the Unit of Measure feature, minimum and maximum thresholds are counted in stock units. Purchasables can be used to once the part is added to a PO.)
Threshold Settings
Limble offers settings to customize threshold tasks. Your selections are the default settings, but can be changed after tasks generate.
Threshold settings are configured for an entire location from part settings. On the Manage Parts page, click the "Settings" button.
In the new window, make changes. These will update settings for all parts unless a unique selection is made in the individual part's settings.
You can unique selections for individual parts by clicking the gear icon in the part card.
The sections below define the settings and how they are used.
Threshold Task Assignments
Threshold Task Assignments
If a part goes below the minimum threshold or reaches the stale threshold, the specific user or team chosen in settings will be assigned to threshold tasks when they generate.
To change this, click the blue text under "Threshold Tasks assigned to."
Then, select a user or team in the new window and click "Select."
For threshold task assignments, you will be given the option to override unique part selections.
To change all assignments and override any changes made in individual part settings, click "Yes." To keep unique part selections, click "No."
Manual vs. Automatic Threshold Task Completion
Manual vs. Automatic Threshold Task Completion
By default, threshold tasks are completed manually by the user. Limble offers the ability to automatically close a threshold task if a PO is started directly from the task.
If the automatic selection is chosen, Limble will close out the threshold task when a user clicks "Start PO" from within the task.
The PO will generate and you'll be notified that the threshold task was closed.
When the threshold task is closed out, Limble will automatically log 1 minute of time for the user who started the PO.
To change this, click the dropdown under "Threshold Tasks are completed" and make a selection.
(Note: threshold tasks will only close automatically if a PO is started from within the threshold task. Adding the same part to an existing PO, or creating a different PO outside of the threshold task will not trigger the task to close.)
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