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The Different User Roles in Limble
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Roles are groupings of permissions that permit or limit a user’s ability to perform actions and see information about your organization within Limble.

This article will walk you through the user roles in Limble, how to assign and change location-based roles, and how to make someone a Super User.

(Note: Enterprise customers can make changes to permissions for certain default roles and even create custom roles. To upgrade your account or learn more, reach out to our support team.)

Table of Contents

User Types and Roles

User types determine what users can do within their Limble account, specifically the ability to change or edit features, tasks, etc. There are up to four standard types of users. These include:

Super User: Super Users are also known as administrators because they have access to every feature in Limble. They can manage locations, assign user roles, and create and complete tasks. They can also do everything that Managers and Technicians can do.

Manager: Managers can edit almost everything in their assigned location. This includes creating and assigning PMs/Work Orders, completing work, creating reports, managing inventory items, and creating teams.

Technician: Technicians can complete work, see assigned tasks, see past work at their facility, update inventory levels, and view asset information and history.

View Only: View Only users can only see a Limble account. They have limited ability to make changes and some of the interactive features may be disabled for them. View Only users can see information such as finances, work history, open tasks, and inventory levels.

Learn more about the permission sets for each role here.

How to Add a Role

You can add more roles for a user at any time.

Navigate to the Manage Users page by clicking the user icon. Here, you'll see a list of all your users.

Under the Role column, you will see a list of that user's roles and the locations they are assigned to.

To add a new role, click the "+" button.

In the new window, select the desired role and the location where you want the user to have the role. After you are finished, click "Add."

You can give a user as many roles at different locations as needed, or stack roles at the same location.

How to Change a Role

To change a user's role at the same location, you must use the following workflow:

  1. Add the new role as explained above.

  2. Delete the old role by clicking the trashcan icon next to the location.

If you delete a user’s role first without making sure they have at least one role at a location, any current task assignments will be lost and moved to "Unassigned."

Adding a Super User

From the Manage Users page, click on either the name or the edit icon of the user you want to add as a Super User.

This will pull up this user's information. At the bottom is the "Super User" checkbox.

If the box is green, they are a Super User. If it is empty, they are not a Super User.

Only Super Users can add Super Users. If your account does not have a Super User, contact us through the live chat in the bottom right-hand corner of your screen for assistance. 

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