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Sorting and Filtering Requests
Sorting and Filtering Requests
Liscio Support avatar
Written by Liscio Support
Updated over a month ago

Liscio Requests can be filtered and sorted in a variety of ways. These options will allow you to quickly find and access Requests depending on the options you select.

Sorting Requests

There are two options for Sorting Requests.

  1. Due Date

  2. Last Activity

Clicking on the Due Date or Last Activity column headers will sort all tasks by most recent or least recent regarding the column you select.

Filtering Requests

You can filter by two fields:

  1. Assigned To (the individual that's responsible with actually completing the Request)

  2. Owners (the firm user that's overseeing the completion of the Request)

These two filters can be used in combination or separately.

Both Filters and Sorting options only apply to the Request Tab that you're currently on, so if you change tabs, they will need to be re-selected.

Once you locate the Request you're looking for, simply click on it to open and access it!

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