How Clients Experience Smart Tax Delivery:
Clients receive an initial email notification once you've sent them the delivery request.
Automatic reminders are scheduled:
One week before the due date
The day before the due date
The day it becomes overdue
Weekly reminders thereafter until submission
Guided Walkthrough:
We recommend sharing this internally and with clients.
Client Steps for Completing their Tax Return:
Access the Return:
From the email notification or reminders.
From the Liscio Mobile App.
Under "My To Do List" on the Liscio Home Dashboard.
From the Requests Page.
Review the Tax Summary:
Name, Address, and Bank Account from the 1040.
Details on amounts owed or refunds for Federal and State returns.
The tax return is divided into three steps: Review, Sign, and Pay.
The Pay step will only show if there are Federal or State taxes owed and vouchers are present in the tax return.
Review and Approve Returns and Payment Estimates:
Select Review under Federal, then Approve.
Repeat for each State return.
Estimates, if applicable, are listed for review.
Sign the E-File Pages:
Signers will be guided through signing.
Joint filers:
Separate logins: Each taxpayer signs in separately. The first signer completes their part; the second signer logs in afterward and selects the eSign option in Step 2.
If there is no Pay step, the signer is done.
If there is a Pay step. each signer can move on to review the payment vouchers, print them, or pay online.
Single login/shared email address: The first signer signs first, then passes the device over to the second signer to complete their portion.
Review Payment Vouchers:
Select Review for Federal voucher. Choose Print or Pay.
Repeat for State vouchers.
Once the client clicks "Submit" or the firm clicks "Mark Complete", the Federal and State returns, Estimated Payment Vouchers, Return Payment Vouchers, and signed E-File pages are automatically added to the client's Files.