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Charles Our UK Weekly Jackpot Winner
Charles Our UK Weekly Jackpot Winner
Simon - Lord of Litter avatar
Written by Simon - Lord of Litter
Updated over a week ago

Charles, our latest weekly binner winner!

Charles, our latest jackpot winner, was a bit dubious at first…

When we made the call to Charles he was a bit uncertain about who was calling him and whether or not it was a real call, but once we had confirmed our identity he was very excited indeed!

Charles, who lives in Somerset and works as a security officer, found out about LitterLotto through a work colleague.

Funnily enough, one of his work colleagues saw Charles’ winning entry on Instagram and thought it was his own entry. Sadly for him we had to tell him that the picture in question belonged to Charles and that he should keep trying, because anything could happen!

(Charles, we think you owe your colleague a little thank you 😜).

He told us that he thinks LitterLotto is a really good initiative (obviously, no bias there) and that it’s an extra bonus if you manage to win the jackpot. He thinks it’s a great way to keep litter off of the streets.

Charles and the others in his office are regularly out and about clearing litter and use the app whenever they have some free time.

When asked what he plans to do with the money Charles said he’d put it towards paying off some of his car and we think that’s a great way to spend the money!

Congratulations Charles and thank you for #BinningAndWinning.

Keep an eye out on social media for your entries as you could be getting a call from us soon if you spot your winning entry.

Have a great week,

Love LitterLotto ❤️

And some of our previous winners;

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