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How Much Should My Baby Be Eating?
How Much Should My Baby Be Eating?

An Age-by-Age Guide to Feeding Your Baby

Updated over a week ago

Age-by-Age Guide to Feeding Your Baby

Starting Out (4-6 Months):

  • Initial Introduction: Begin with 2 teaspoons of a single-ingredient puree. This small amount is perfect for your baby's first experience with solids.

  • Gradual Increase: As your baby becomes accustomed to eating, you can increase the portion to 2 tablespoons.

  • Persistence and Exposure: If your baby doesn't seem interested at first, don't be discouraged. It's normal for babies to take time to accept new flavors and textures. Remember, it may take 10-15 attempts for your baby to accept a new food.

Getting the Hang of It (6-8 Months):

  • Routine Development: By now, you and your baby are more familiar with the feeding process. At this stage, babies often consume two meals or about 8 ounces of purees per day.

  • Dietary Exploration: This is an excellent time to introduce a wide variety of foods and combinations, enriching your baby's palate. Begin to introduce more textured foods, encouraging your baby to explore and interact with different types of food.

Experienced Eaters (8-12 Months):

  • Mealtime Routine: Expect to establish three meals per day, including snacks. This period is crucial for diversifying your baby's diet and introducing them to a broader range of flavors and textures.

  • Introduction to Table Foods: As your baby shows readiness, start offering soft finger foods that can be easily smashed. This transition to more solid foods is a significant step towards regular family meals.

Monitoring Growth and Health:

  • Your baby's pediatrician will monitor their growth and development at check-ups. A consistent and healthy growth curve is a good indicator that your baby is receiving the right amount of nutrition.

Key Takeaways:

  • Flexibility and Patience: Every baby's appetite and readiness for solid foods will vary. Be patient and flexible in your approach, adjusting based on your baby's cues and interests.

  • Nutritional Balance: While introducing solids, continue breastfeeding or formula-feeding to ensure your baby receives all necessary nutrients.

  • Safety and Exploration: Always prioritize safety in texture and size of foods to prevent choking. Encourage exploration and interaction with foods to foster a positive eating experience.

Remember, feeding your baby is not just about nutrition; it's also an opportunity for learning and bonding. Each baby is unique, so use this guide as a flexible framework and consult with your pediatrician for personalized advice tailored to your baby's needs.

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