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Review Teacher Usage

Use a Teachers Scoreboard to see the total positive and negative points teachers are giving over specific time frames.

Amanda Banik avatar
Written by Amanda Banik
Updated over 3 weeks ago

Only Admin users can access a Teachers Scoreboard.


A Teachers Scoreboard can help make sure your teachers are giving Points consistently and evenly. You can view teachers' usage over any time period, and sort teachers by most or least positive or negative Points.

View Usage Reports that Highlight:

  1. How many points are teachers awarding over a specific week, month, or semester?

  2. What ratio of merits to demerits are different teachers recording?

  3. How many Rewards is each teacher helping students to purchase?

Additionally, you can filter for specific behaviors. This can help when awarding a "Point of the Month", for example, or when identifying the behavior presenting the greatest issue within your building.

Curious about which teacher has issued the most of a specific Point or Category? Set a filter as seen here!

Downloading a Usage Scoreboard

The example in this video is looking for the teachers who have given the most positive Points Year-to-Date.

From the teacher Scoreboard, select merits and sort high to low.
  1. Go to Insights

  2. Choose Scoreboards

  3. Go to the Teachers Scoreboard

  4. Click the "Merits" heading, then choose "Sort"

  5. Choose "Highest to Lowest"

  6. ‍Click Download for a CSV with every teachers' Points

Check out our "Introduction to Scoreboards" for an overview of how to utilize all Scoreboards.

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