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How to add a task?

Learn how to add tasks and how to add a reminder, private task, recurring task or task participants.

Martyna Chmielewska avatar
Written by Martyna Chmielewska
Updated over 8 months ago

Adding a task to Livespace can be done in several different ways.

In this article we describe:

Ways to add tasks in Livespace

  • Adding a task in the Tasks tab.

  • Adding a task in the Calendar tab by tapping on the desired day.

  • Adding a task through List Operations

  • Adding a task on the object profile.

  • Adding a task through the + button.

No matter which method you choose, adding a task will always happen in the same manner. The only difference is when adding a task in proper context (on contact’s profile or company’s profile) part of the data will automatically be filled in so that there is no need to type it by yourself.

Adding a task by the + button

To add a task from anywhere in Livespace:

  1. Click on the add (+) button in the upper right corner.

  2. Then choose Task option.

  3. When you add a task this way, no data will automatically be completed – you will see an empty task form:


Adding a task in the task list

When you are in the tasks list, you can add a task by using the Add task button located in the right upper corner of the list. It works the same way as adding a task from the pop-up menu by pressing +. Also, in this case, no information will automatically be completed



Adding a task on the profile

The task can also be added directly on a profile of a person, company, deal or space. To do this you need to:

  1. Go to the selected profile.

  2. In the Tasks window on the right side of the profile, select Add.

  3. When you add a task from the profile, new task’s adding form will automatically be filled with information concerning its connection with the person, company, deal or space.


Adding a task in the calendar

The task can be added directly from the Calendar tab, by clicking on selected date in which you want to place it. Depending on work view, by default, the task will be added as an all-day with fixed date (in month view) or as a task with a specific time and date (for other views).

To add a task directly from the calendar:

  1. Click on the selected day in the calendar.

  2. It opens task form with filled-in date box (according to the day selected in the calendar).


Regardless of the method of adding a task, each of them opens a task form.

Worth to know

You can go directly to Tasks or Calendar by clicking “Show in” in Tasks section in Contact, Deal or Space profile.

When you use the option Show in, the calendar will only display tasks link to that contact, the deal or space. In the field Subject, the appropriate filter will be set by default.

The Clear filters option allows you to quickly delete all calendar filters.

Form for adding and editing a task

In the form for adding a task, only one field is required - task name. The remaining fields allow you to specify the details of the task

In the main section of the add or edit form, you can:

1. Specify the Task Type, such as Email. This will enable you not only to filter tasks, but also to count tasks of a specific type for statistics or the goals and results card.

2. Prioritize by clicking on the exclamation mark, which will highlight the task in the list.

3. Set a deadline for the task

4. Designate a responsible person.

5. Add a description of the task

6. Associate the task with other objects, i.e. Person, Company, Deal or Space (or with Vehicle, in the case of the car dealer version). This will make the associated task visible in the handy task list when you access the profile of the object.

Worth knowing

When you add a task with a new Person or Company, just enter their name or company name, and when you save the task, the contact will be automatically added to Livespace.

In addition, in the Show Details section you have the option to:

1. Set a reminder

2. Add participants

3. Define the periodicity of the tasks

4. Mark the task as private


The reminder is set only for you - it will not be displayed to other users, even if they are Task Participants. They can set independent reminders by going into the task edition, according to their own preferences.

Task Participants

A task participant can be any Livespace user and any person who is entered in Livespace as a contact. Task participants will see information about the task in their task list and in their calendar.

Note that if integration with an external calendar has been enabled in your Livespace account then task participants, both users and contacts, will also receive invitations to their calendars:

Repeated tasks

When specifying the date of the task, it is possible to indicate that the task is to be repeated regularly. Repeated tasks are displayed in the calendar, according to the set criteria for their occurrence. Tasks are also visible in the task list, but only the closest occurrence of the task is shown there.

If you edit a repeated task, you must decide whether you want to edit:

  • All recurrences (for example: you move a weekly meeting from Tuesday to Wednesday).

  • This taks only (for example: you move the meeting from Tuesday to Wednesday once, the others are unchanged).

Adding files or comments requires going to the task profile. To switch to the profile of a cyclic task, you can edit its individual occurrence and then switch to the profile. The task cycle profile does not function, so that if you add files or comments, you add them to a specific occurrence of a cyclic task, not to the entire cycle.

Private tasks

Livespace allows you to add private tasks, that is, tasks that are only for their owner. However, under certain circumstances, a private task may also be available to another user. A private task is visible only to:

  • The person adding the task

  • The person responsible for the task (if different from the person adding the task).

  • Defined Participants of a given task.

This rule takes precedence over any other rule. This means that:

  • Other users do not see your private tasks unless you assign a specific task to them.

  • Managers do not see your private tasks unless you assign a specific task to one of them.

  • A private task is not visible on the profile of a person, company, sale and space by anyone other than the person authorized to see the task (Adder or Responsible), regardless of who has access to the person, company, sale or space.

Restoring deleted tasks

If you accidentally deleted a task, you can easily restore it. To do so, go to the Tasks tab and select the Removed filter.

Then select the task you want to restore and, under the arrow, click on the Restore option.

Finally, confirm Restoring the task

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