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Summary Report
Updated over 8 months ago

Summary Report

The Summary Report provides an overview of all your events for a selected day. Here’s how to navigate and interpret the information:

How to Access

  • Select Date: Choose the desired day you want to review from the date picker.


  • Total Participants (units): Displays the total number of participants in your events for the selected 24-hour period. This is based on the number of scanned tickets.

  • Chart: Shows a timeline of participant arrivals, providing a visual representation of how participants have arrived throughout the day.

  • All Participants: View all participants for the selected 24-hour period. You can download this data as an Excel file. Use the "Order Details" link to directly access and review specific orders.


  • Total Products Sold (units): The number of products sold during the selected 24-hour period, including free registrations.

  • Total Price (€): The total price of sold products during the selected 24-hour period.

  • Total Price (€, VAT 0%): The total price of sold products excluding VAT during the selected 24-hour period.

  • Chart: Displays a timeline of sales. You can choose to view the data in euros (€) or units (kpl).

  • All Sold Products: View all sold products for the selected 24-hour period. You can download this data as an Excel file. Use the "Order Details" link to directly access and review specific orders.


  • Total Refunds (units): The number of refunds processed during the selected 24-hour period, including free registrations.

  • Total Refund Amount (€): The total amount refunded during the selected 24-hour period.

  • Total Refund Amount (€, VAT 0%): The total amount refunded excluding VAT during the selected 24-hour period.

  • Chart: Shows a timeline of refunds. You can choose to view the data in euros (€) or units (kpl).

All Refunds: View all refunds for the selected 24-hour period. You can download this data as an Excel file. Use the "Order Details" link to directly access and review specific orders.

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