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Reports & Analytics

Updated over 7 months ago

Virtual Analytics

You can monitor the analytics for your virtual event under the section Events -> Menu -> Reports & Analytics -> Virtual Analytics.


  • Summary Graph: Provides a timeline graph of your virtual event. You can choose the graph variable to display either page views, unique visitors, or immediate exits. You can adjust the viewing period using the start and end date selectors. A summary is also available at the bottom of the page.


  • Page Views: Total number of page views across all pages on the platform.

  • Immediate Exits: All visits to the platform lasting less than 30 seconds.

  • Unique Visitors: The number of distinct individuals who have visited the platform.

  • User Sessions: The number of individual sessions by the aforementioned visitors.

  • Average Concurrent Visitors: The average number of visitors present on the platform at the same time.

  • Peak Concurrent Visitors: The highest number of visitors present on the platform simultaneously.

  • Average Engagement Time (in seconds): The average amount of time visitors have spent engaging with the platform.

  • Average Absolute Time (in seconds): The average total time visitors have spent on the platform.


Displays visits to the platform by country. You can choose to display the graph based on either page views, unique visitors, or immediate exits. You can adjust the viewable time range using the start and end date selectors.


Shows the paths through which visitors have reached the event, such as via email links, direct URLs, or admin panel links. You can choose to display the graph based on either page views, unique visitors, or immediate exits. You can adjust the viewable time range using the start and end date selectors.


Displays summarized data for each room, as seen in the overview. You can adjust the viewable time range using the start and end date selectors.


Provides analytics on visitors to the platform. For visitors who have logged in to their Liveto accounts, more detailed name and contact information is available. Visitor data can be viewed in total, only for logged-in users, or only for guest users. The list can be filtered by alphabetical order, engagement time, and visit time. You can also search for specific names or email addresses.


If polls are used on the platform, their results are shown as charts and percentages.

All analytics reports can be downloaded to your device in either PDF or XLSX format.

Sales Analytics

You can track event sales analytics from the section: Events -> Menu -> Reports & Analytics -> Sales Analytics.


  • Select Event Pages: Choose which event pages' sales analytics you want to view.

  • Set Range and Interval: Define the variation and time range for the analytics display.

Key Metrics

  • Page Views: The total number of times the sales page has been viewed.

  • Store Opens: The number of times the store page has been opened.

  • Started Orders: The number of times an order process has been initiated.

  • Orders Reaching Payment Stage: The number of orders that have proceeded to the payment stage.

  • Paid Orders: The number of orders that have been successfully paid for.


  • Page Views

  • Immediate Exits

  • Products Proceeded to Payment

  • Store Opens

  • Started Orders


Traffic arriving at the event through different domains.

  • Select Event Pages: Choose which event pages' sales analytics you want to view.

  • Select Type: Choose the type of data you want the chart to display.

  • Set Time Range: Define the time range for the analytics display.


Shows the routes through which visitors have reached the event, such as via email links, direct URLs, or admin panel links.

  • Select Store: Choose the specific store you want to examine.

  • Choose Metrics: You can select metrics such as page views, immediate exits, products proceeded to payment, store opens, and started orders.

  • Adjust Time Range: Use the start and end dates to modify the viewable period.


This section shows visits to the platform by country. You can choose the variable for the chart to display, such as page views, immediate exits, products proceeded to payment, store opens, and started orders. You can adjust the viewable period using the start and end dates.


This section tracks sales by campaign on the platform. You can select the variable for the chart to display, such as page views, immediate exits, products proceeded to payment, store opens, and started orders. You can adjust the viewable period using the start and end dates.

Payment Methods

This section shows the usage rates and percentages of different payment methods relative to the total.

Download Reports

All analytics reports can be downloaded to your device in either PDF or XLSX format.

Survey Analytics

To view the analytics of your event's surveys, go to: Events -> Menu -> Reports & Analytics -> Survey Analytics.

  • Select Survey – Choose the survey you want to analyze.

  • Select Time Period – Choose the time period for which you want to view the data.

Overview – To visualize diagrams, select the sections of the survey you want to view. The diagrams will update according to your selections. You can see detailed information by clicking on the sections of the diagram.

Responses – View detailed information about each respondent. The details depend on the questions that were asked.

Download Reports – All analytics reports can be downloaded to your device in either PDF or XLSX format.

Scan Analytics

This view provides all information about event scans. Scans can be filtered by start and end dates.


  • Tickets Sold via Liveto – Total number of tickets sold through Liveto's pre-sale and how many of these have been scanned per ticket type.

  • Percentage of Scanned Tickets – How many of the sold tickets have been scanned.

  • Listing – The list also shows scans per ticket type. Scanned Tickets indicates how many of the sold tickets have been scanned. The same number is also presented as a percentage.

  • Tickets Sold via External Services – e.g., total number of tickets sold at the door and scans. Note: This feature is coming soon.


  • Daily Scans – Shows scanned tickets per day and per product. Select the desired day from the left menu to view the day's scans per product.

  • Scan Data – Clicking on scan data reveals all scan information per ticket type.

  • Total Ticket Types Scanned – Indicates how many different ticket types have been scanned. This number does not reflect the number of scans.

  • Scans and Total Scans – Indicates the number of scans per ticket type.

  • Arrows – Updates the view.

By Device

  • Device-Specific Scans – Shows scanned tickets per device, per day, and per product. If devices are named by scanner or gate, these names will appear on this report. Clicking on scan data reveals all scan details for that device.

  • Total Days – Indicates how many different days scans have been performed.

  • Scans and Total Scans – Shows the number of scans per product.

  • Arrows – Updates the view.

By Location

  • Location-Specific Scans – Shows scanned tickets based on location. If no complex access control is set for the event, locations will only show the event entrance. Locations may include internal scanning points within the event area. Clicking on scan data reveals all scan details for the specific location.

  • Select Columns to Display in Table – Filter the list based on desired attributes. Choose the data in the order you want them to appear in the report.

  • Scan All Out – Check out all visitors from the event at once. Note: Clicking this button clears the reports. This is useful when exit check-in is used and not every visitor needs to be scanned out individually.

  • Arrows – Updates the view.

  • Excel – Download an Excel file of the selected scan data.


If an Exhibitor Scanner is used, device-specific data is collected on this tab.

  • Exhibitors – Displays scanned tickets based on the exhibitor. Clicking on scan data reveals all scan details for that exhibitor. Detailed information about each scan can be accessed by clicking on the scan data.

  • Select Columns to Display in Table – Filter the list based on desired attributes. Choose the data in the order you want them to appear in the report.

  • Arrows – Updates the view.

  • Excel – Download an Excel file of the selected scan data.

All Scans

All Scans – Shows each scan individually, including the timestamp, ticket code, buyer's email, order code, product name, and the device used for the scan. The list can be filtered by selecting columns to display in the table. You can also search for specific scans in the list.

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