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Schedules and performers

Online content

Updated over 8 months ago


You can view all created schedules and their timelines, as well as the visibility of program sections from the event schedule overview. You can edit multiple schedules simultaneously with the bulk editor, create new schedules, modify existing schedules, or delete schedules.

In the Schedules section, you can create a schedule. An event can have a single schedule or be divided, for example, into "main stage" and "side stage." If you have a multi-day event, you don't need to create a separate schedule for each day.

A new schedule is added by clicking Add New Schedule.

  • Name - name the schedule by entering a name in the field. This can be the name of the event or, for example, "main stage program."

  • Schedule visibility - determines whether the schedule is visible in the event overview.

  • Presentation order - set the presentation order of the schedule.

Click Create New Schedule

  • Select date - choose the date for the schedule.

  • Add program section - add content to the schedule.

  • Program name - name of the time slot.

  • Program section start and end - select the start and end time for the time slot.

  • Program description - briefly describe the program.

  • Program type - select the description of the program type.

  • Program room - choose the room where the program takes place.

  • Performers - select the performers included in the program section. Note! Performers must be created first before selecting them for the program.

  • Program tags - choose suitable tags for the program to help find theme-related activities.

  • Visibility - select where the program section is visible.

  • Create program - saves the program section you created.

In the schedule overview, you can see all program sections and their settings. You can also edit multiple program sections simultaneously using the bulk editor and modify the schedule. Additionally, you can copy, edit, and delete program sections.


If you haven't created a performer before, click Create New Performer. Performers will appear in the performer listing once they have been selected for a program slot. You can search for a performer by name in the Search field.

  • Performer Image – Click on the image section to set a picture for the performer. You can select an image from already uploaded ones or upload a new image. Choose the image and click Use Image.

  • Performer Name – Enter the name of the performer.

  • Performer Title – Enter the performer's title.

  • Performer Type – Select whether the performer is an individual or a group.

  • Short Description of Performer – A brief description of the performer, which will be visible only on the event page. Use a longer description if you want this to be visible in the Event App or the virtual platform.

  • Performer Description – A longer description of the performer.

  • Performer Website – Enter the URL for the performer's website.

  • Performer Order Number – Enter an order number for the performer.

  • Click Create Performer to save the information.

Bulk Edit Performers

  • Open the bulk editor to edit multiple performers simultaneously.

  • Select the Field to Edit – Choose which field to edit.

  • Select Performers to Edit – Select all performers or only a subset.

  • Copy to All Selected Performers – Choose if the change should be applied to all selected performers.

  • Performers – Make the desired change in the field.

  • Save Changes – Save the changes you have made.

Performer Lists

Performer lists allow you to categorize performers into their own selections.

  • Create a Performer List

  • Title – The title to be displayed in the event app, e.g., "Artists."

  • Performers – Select the performers to be shown on the list.

  • Visibility – Determine where the list will be displayed; on event pages, in the app, or on the virtual platform.

  • Order Number – Define the order of the lists.

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